
Top reasons to have your property inspected for lead

If you own an older home, it is a great idea to do a lead paint inspection Orange County before you do a remodeling project. You could be planning a large-scale remodel that involves knocking down the walls. Maybe you are changing some hardware or repainting your bathroom. Either way, there is a high chance that the paint on your property will be disturbed.


If your paint contains lead, and it cracks, chips or deteriorates during a remodel project, you could expose yourself to lead poisoning. You can also face potential lawsuits and issues with reselling your property unless you solve the problem. It is therefore great to know what you are dealing with before starting your remodeling project. Here are the top reasons you need to protect yourself by getting an inspection.


To protect your property and home value

Properties built before the 1980s are likely to have paint that contains lead. That is because lead paint was banned due to health concerns. It was popularly used before the ban so lead paint is still in a lot of homes. Fortunately, lead paint that has not chipped, peeled or cracked does not pose any threat. If you disturb lead paint during a remodel project then it can lead to lead dust and become a health problem.

If you discover lead paint in the process of remodeling your property and you do not remedy the problem, it could impact the resale value of your home. Economic studies have shown that there are financial benefits associated with addressing and testing lead issues in your property when it comes to selling your property.


To protect the health of your family

This is another reason to hire an environment testing labto inspect your property for lead. Lead paint is banned for a good reason. When one is exposed to lead dust, which is usually released during a remodeling project, it can lead to serious issues such as damage to the liver, brain and kidney. It can also lead to behavioral problems, high blood pressure, learning issues, slowed growth in kids, nerve damage, abdominal pain and nausea, hearing problems, fertility issues and so on.If you have an older property and are planning to remodel it, it is essential that you have it tested to identify lead.


To avoid liability issues

Lead exposure has a lot of dangers as we had already said. Therefore, there are strict laws about remodeling properties that contain lead and you could be held liable if lead poisoning happens on your property as a result of your home remodel if you didn’t do your due diligence.


When you suspect that your property may contain lead paint, you must identify the issue before hiring a remodeling contractor. Make sure you hire a certified contractor to do lead paint inspection Orange County. Testing your property for lead, getting the necessary permits and hiring a certified contractor to remove lead paint are some of the most important steps you should take to protect yourself against legal risks.

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