Extending your existing house in order to increase the floor space is a good idea as it can be done as per your idea and design; moreover, it will be cheaper than purchasing a new house. However, you must take really good care because it may not be as simple as just putting up another floor on top of your existing house or building extra rooms in the open space adjacent to the present house. Before going about it, take the advice of an expert or consult a person who has already done it. Since there are many points to be taken into account it is recommended that the project should not be planned and executed in a hurry.
Home extensions and renovation
Carry out a thorough research
Firstly, find out if any permission is required from local town planning, municipal or any relevant authority is required. The second and most important aspect would be to check out if it is practically possible to carry out your project. The first thing to do would be to check the strength of the present house and assess whether it can take the pressure of another floor on top of it. If you are planning to extend your house on an open place adjacent to the present one, the soil has to be checked thoroughly since it may have been dug up in the past to lay drainage lines and it may have been filled with loose soil on the top. There are certain cases where soil has been put on top of the existing one in order to level out open spaces; this soil may not be as compact as the lower layers which have not been disturbed for a long time. Check out existing drainage pipes to see if they are below the area where you plan your extension, even if they are not exactly below the proposed extension but close to it, the pressure exerted by the foundation of the extended portion may lead to cracks or even breakages to the existing pipes.
Hire the right professionals
Once you have made sure that the extension work can be carried out assess your budget and then plan accordingly. The next step would be to see if you can contact any person who has already taken up a similar project and take that persons advice since there is nothing to beat practical experience. While engaging the services of a planner or architect who has already taken up such projects, it is best to insist on seeing the completed project yourself. Take quotations from contractors and compare their rates, do not get carried away by low quotations and just as in the case of planners or architects insist on seeing their completed projects. Interact with persons who have already taken the services of the builder you have chosen and find out their experiences while dealing with that particular builder. Make a written agreement with the contractor in which the time taken for completion of the project and terms of payment are clearly mentioned, if it is a turnkey contract the contractor should specify the brand of materials being used, the contractor should inspect and ensure quality work in case the contractor is using the services of any sub contractor.
House extensions
Make it more attractive
The design of the house extensionshould be such that it should appear as a part of the original structure and the design of the extended portion should be such that it enhances the appearance of the house. Make sure that drainage and water lines of the extended portion mach with the original because then you may have to replace large sections of them resulting in extra expenditure. Exterior fittings like doors, windows etc. should be made with the same material as those of the original house, the same goes for the designing of these fittings. Carry out regular inspection of the work and ensure that you get the result you want.