Looking young, smart and dashing is definitely on priority list of most men. The synthetic hormone injections are very commonly prescribed for stunted growth in children as also adults when the natural growth hormones are not produced in the pituitary glands in enough quantities. However, this is not free of side effects leading to hunger pangs, lower sexual form, kidney and liver damages and heart malfunctions. Hence, depending on a natural substitute like an IGF-1 cycle for bulking is a good idea as this is homeopathic to a great extent with 6 growth factors ingrained and also derived from the deer Antler Extracts.
Don’t depend on TV commercials
The steroids overdose is very harmful and the TV commercials bragging big about the benefits of these HGH products needs to be rechecked and reconfirmed as most of these are hyped. However, when it comes to an IGF-1 cycle for bulking, the user reviews have proven a massive improvement in the metabolic rate in the body. Also, unlike other products, no doctor prescriptions are suggested for IGF-1. Also, the delivery methods of the source are available in the form of capsules of sufficient effectiveness to sprays which are applicable externally. The body builders need to lift heavy weights during the training period and simultaneously accompany with a dose of this drug in the form of capsules or spray for at least 3-5 weeks. The result are witnessed with a little patience of 3 weeks, rather than waiting for years together sometimes with no results without IGF-1.
The ideal effectiveness for Athletics
Poor energy levels, nausea can be appalling in case of athletics and other sports activities which can be the result due to overdose of the steroids. Hence, the Athletic people can get a leaner body with more bulky muscular shape and energy by following the IGF-1 CYCLE. The appetite requirements will increase and the any kind of injuries to the muscles can be healed faster and thus this can be called the best friend for the body builders. The spray is not addictive in nature and hence once the cycle completes, the post cycle of 1-3 weeks without the spray application is not hurting and does not lead to any lipid accumulation thereafter. The metabolism slowdown leads to fat accumulation, however when the IGF spray is applied, the fats are transferred to the energy producing cells. Thus, this leads to burning of the fats. In case the diet is short of protein, the protein deficiency is overcome as these synthesise the proteins in the body. The growth is very systematic and the physique is delivered a great shape as coveted. The time saving and the minimising of side effects is possible by adjusting the dose patterns as per the body size changes. In case the body has become too lean the dosage can be lowered accordingly. The testosterone gets a kick much higher with iGF-1 than any other sources like the synthetic HGH necessary for the extra force and thrust while exercising workouts and also increase the muscle mass and strength to a great extent.