
Understanding the right places to test for lead

Lead testing San Diego is very important if you have lead in your home. Lead can cause serious health and behaviour problems for your children. It is a hazard to kids under six years old. Lead in dust, paint and soil is a huge problem for kids because they ingest it when they put their toys, fingers or paint chips into their mouths. Lead can harm pregnant women and their developing fetus.

You need to test your home for lead if there are kids in your home and your home is older than 1978 or your home is near a busy roadway or freeway where leaded gasoline vehicles pass and their exhaust may have polluted the soil.

It is important to test your home for lead if your house has chipping paint or peeling paint. You need to consider testing your home for lead if your house has bare soil in the yard where kids play or if you plan to remodel, repaint or renovate your old house.

Test for lead if you have a child who has tested positive for lead exposure or your home was built before 1950. Federal laws need the seller of a home to give you all the information and tell you about any known hazards related to lead in the home. The law requires landlords to allow renters to inspect the house for lead.

Where should you test your home for lead?

You should know where to test for lead before you start lead testing. The most important areas in your home for lead are the areas where kids spend a lot of time. These include playrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and play yards. You should test these areas if there is any bare soil or if the paint is chipping or peeling.

You need to test places you want to remodel or repaint. Test different spots and each different color if you want to test paint. Some good places to consider testing for lead include the window frames, doors, thresholds and door jabs, kitchen cabinets, trim and siding, baseboards and painted kids’ furniture.

You should also test for lead-contaminated soil around your house’s foundation, where kids play, unpaved pathways, areas near traffic, under windows, where pets play and walls with chipping or peeling paint.

Testing for lead

Two ways are recommended to test your property for lead. You should find out how much lead is in the soil or paint you test whenever you test for lead. Get a lab analysis for about 40 dollars. You can also hire a certified inspector to come to your home to test for lead. You can choose from the wide range of state-certified inspectors to inspect your property for lead. Get at least two or three bids for estimates of the work. Ask the inspectors to write you a risk assessment report that will show you if the lead levels in your house represent a hazard and your options. The certified lead testing San Diego professional can test for paint with an x-ray fluorescence machine for immediate results.

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