Out of all the available cigars in the market, Avo cigars have found their own place in the hearts of the cigar lovers across the world. Avo Uvezian and Hendrik Kelner are two names behind this creation, and this product has got a fascinating history.
Among the cigar lovers across the world, “Avo” is one of the most favorable names. This is one of the amazing creations by Avo Uvezian, a jazz composer, a singer, and a passionate lover of cigars. This passion towards cigar gave birth to this brand back in 1988. The partner in his journey was Hendrik Kelner, the name associated with the brand “Davidoff”. This is the product from Cibao valley of the Dominican Republic, which is known for the best tobacco produces across the world.
As the stories of the innovators go, many times disenchantment leads to innovation. The story was not different in this case also. It started in a very unorthodox way.
History in brief:
Avo Uvezian was born in 1926 in a family of musicians. They were from Lebanon, and his parents were enormously gifted musicians of their time. His father was a symphony music composer and mother was a singer. While he grew up, it was beyond doubt that he developed those musical skills into himself, and turned into a jazz music composer, and a pianist. His popularity started to grow in different places of Iran.
During the Korean War in 1940, he moved to the United States of America, and joined the rank and file. That was the time, when he met his wife. Owing to his musical flair, he was appointed as the musician in the officer’s club in Korea. He continued his musical career in Korea, until his luck took a turn in 1983.
In 1983, Karyn, their daughter was born, and she was taken to Switzerland for baptism ceremony. At that point of time, Avo bought a Cuban cigar of a famous brand and tasted it to enjoy the occasion. However, it ruined the moment, as he found that the taste of that cigar was extremely awful. “Have I paid such a price for tasting this? Is this worth buying?” These were the thoughts those came into his mind, and on the spot he decided to start making his own cigars.
Driven by this thought, he started to find out the finest tobacco across the world, and finally landed up in the Cibao valley of the Dominican Republic. That was the place, from where the first Avo cigar was manufactured in 1988. However, he was finding it difficult to enhance the reach of his product, as he was not fully prepared with the proper supply chain mechanism and a robust distribution channel. Time and luck was perhaps in his favor, as he met with his partner, Hendrik Kelner, whose company Davidoff took the entire responsibility of the distribution. Presently, it is a several million dollar company.
Product line:
Owing to the finest quality of specially selected tobacco, a perfect unification of strong and silky flavor, and the labor being put forth for making each of the cigars manually, price of the Avo cigars is comparatively high. Presently, it comes in nine distinct forms, as per the following:
1. Avo Classic: It was the first cigar from the house of Avo in 1988. The flavor of these cigars is placid, and the bestseller among all of the nine varieties.
2. Avo XO Trio: Under this particular variety, cigars are named after the musical terms, i.e. Preludio, Intermezzo, and Maestoso.
3. Domaine: It was launched in 1998, and it is comparatively strong in flavor.
4. Avo Maduro: It was launched in 2000, and it is covered with gloomy Connecticut Broadleaf.
5. Avo Signature: It was launched in 2001, as a tribute to Avo Uvezian in his 75th birthday.
6. AVO Puritos: These cigars are the smallest ones among the entire product line.
7. Avo 787: Due to the 7-8-7 packaging format, it was named in this way.
8. Avo Heritage: It was launched in 2010, and considered to be the strongest one among the others.
9. Avo Limited Editions: This is launched every year, with the finest touches by Hendrik Kelner himself.
If you are planning to buy a special cigar for a special moment, and that too at a reasonable price, then your only option should be the Avo cigars, which can make the best of the moment.