If you are new to web hosting and the mere concept is overwhelming you, know for a fact, that this is indeed a simple concept to deal with. Very simply put, web hosting is a place where an individual or an organization can place their websites. What a web hosting service provider does is provides space on a server for displaying or showcasing your website and also provides internet connectivity so that others who are part of the same network can also access the files placed on the website.
That indeed is fairly simple. However, you also need to be aware that your web interface is a collection of different videos, images, and HTML files which are interconnected with each other. In order to showcase these on the net and share files across the network, a highly powerful computer or server is required with a high speed internet access connection.
There are various types of web hosting including shared hosting, and many more. We need to take a look at each of these types in order to decide which one suits needs the best.

Getting to Know the TypesWhat is Shared Hosting?
- Beginners: Well, if you are beginning with web hosting, chances are that the nature of proficiency with web hosting concepts is not that great. And sharing a hosting server with other websites is a relatively simple concept. There is not much complication here. So, it is definitely easier to comprehend. Also, this type of hosting is fairly cheap. If you are starting off with a hosting plan, you may not be in a position to spend much at the outset and shared plans may be your best bet.
- Those not dealing with Sensitive Data: If you are not running a business that requires dealing with sensitive personal information, sharing a server for web hosting is what you would perhaps need. Although privacy would be compromised to a certain extent, there is no need to spend on a more specialized hosting plan if you do not need one.
- Those not seeking much of a control access: All said and done when you share server space with others, you will not enjoy any root access and there will be no flexibility in terms of features and usage patterns. So, you will need to understand the implications of having a shared platform for your hosting and set your expectations accordingly.
Do you need to Change?
Primarily, there are about three types of hosting plans including shared hosting, virtual private hosting, dedicated hosting and of course cloud hosting. All these types will be acting as a centre for storage for your web interface. They will only differ in terms of control, storage capacity, and storage centre for web interfaces, requirement of technical knowledge, reliability, server speed and control. If you are just starting off with web hosting, shared hosting is the best place to start. In order to understand why, it is important to understand the concept of sharing a hosting platform along with its pros and cons. We look deep down.
Shared hosting is a concept where a server is shared by few or even hundreds or thousands of web interfaces. Now, this form of hosting is considered ideal for specific kinds of requirements. We list out some probable candidates for this type of hosting:
It is important to remember that a shared server hosting plan for hosting is not a befitting choice for those expecting sudden spikes in website traffic. A shared plan will not be able to handle such spikes and might simply crash, forcing your business plans to bite dust. Besides, how other websites utilize the sharing plan will also affect the performance of your website. And this is something you would need to take in your stride once you begin sharing a hosting platform.
Well, whether you need to change your hosting plan or not will largely depend on the manner in which your needs and requirements are changing. If your business is growing in leaps and bounds and you are facing issues with storage and data access, it is important to consider a change. And if you aren’t sure of the nature of change you will need, consider seeking advice from an expert consultant.