To choose the best business phone system for your organization, you must first carefully analyze various aspects, such as the number of extensions required and size of your organization. In the recent years, business phone systems have turned out to be an absolute necessity for the establishment of any business.
Types of Business Phone Systems
As of now, four major types of business phone systems are available in the market. These include VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), KSU-less phones, key systems and PBX (Private Branch Exchange) systems. Each of these phone systems come with distinguish features, and is able to accommodate a number of different stations to meet individualistic needs.
VoIP-The Voice over Internet Protocol is the latest venture in the business phone systems. VoIP has become incredibly popular and it is a common term, which is used for packet-switched connection in order to transmit fax, voice or any other form of information.
At present, all sorts of businesses, regardless of their size, are equally accepting this new telecom technology.In order to make calls, VoIPphone systems provides a phone number and VoIP Phone service is being widely used by many people.
KSU-less phone systems-KSU-less phone systems can accommodate up to 10 extensions at maximum. This type of phone systems is not permanently wire into an office, which makes it possible to move it from one place to another. Moreover, some KSU-less systems come with features found on PBX ad key systems.
Due to this, KSU-less phone systems are best business phone systems for small organizations with fewer people. However, as this phone system is inexpensive, it is not supported or sold by telecom vendors. Therefore, you have to install, program and maintain this small business phone system by yourself.
Key phone systems-Key system unit, also known as KSU is a device that mainly controls key phone systems. This type of business phone systems comes with various features that are not usually available in ordinary phones. Key phone systems allows user to make calls to another in-office extensions, while it only permits only one specific user to hold on the line. Key phone systems can support up to forty extensions at a time, making them the best option for small as well as medium sized organizations.
PBX Systems-If your business organization requires more functionality, and needs to have more than 40 extensions, you can opt for Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems. The early models of private branch exchange systems were huge. However, with the advancement of technology, private branch type exchange systems have been made so compact in size that they can be easily placed on the desk, and include all of the essential features.
Some of the private exchange systems can also be programmed. These type of phone systems are ideal for medium business establishments with more than 100 employees or large business establishments.
While choosing one of these systems, it is important to carefully analyze your needs, requirements and users, which will be operating the phone systems.